How to Stop Using Caffeine to Increase Fertility
I don't know about you, but one thing I love in the morning is a cup of coffee. Not only does it help me wake up to start my day but it just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. When I was trying to become pregnant with my son my doctor told me to stop that habit of mine and these are the reasons why.
Studies have shown that caffeine decreases fertility and increases the risk of miscarriage. It can also cause low birth weight in your child
When you drink products that contain caffeine you have the tendency to urinate more frequently since it is a diuretic. This removes fluid and calcium from your body that you need to care for your baby.
You need iron in your body when trying to conceive and carry a baby but caffeine interferes with the way your body absorbs iron so you could become anemic.
Trying to get pregnant is stressful enough so adding caffeine is not a good idea. Caffeine is known to give people insomnia and even mood swings which can stress out not only you but also your partner.
One thing you must understand is that caffeine is not just in coffee but also tea, chocolate milk, soft drinks and certain foods so make a habit of checking the amount you intake during the day.
Doctors can not decide if you should completely remove caffeine from your diet or limit the use so I chose to stop completely because I would rather be safe than sorry.
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Author of A Humorous Guide to Being a First Time Mom and Bright and White Brushing Your Teeth Can Be Fun! Both books are available on and One Stop Shop for Kids! They make great baby shower and first birthday gifts!
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